Member-only story
I am a post-theist
We all know that many people believe fervently in a God or Gods that give meaning and purpose to their lives in this mysterious universe. They resist the ideas of atheists, or post-theists like me, by ignoring us or by suppressing our views. It’s just too painful for them to think that, maybe, we humans are on our own — just clever animals on a tiny planet in a vast universe, without more powerful friends to keep us safe.
If we post-theists are to make any headway against irrational religious beliefs, especially harmful ones, we must understand what a comfort many people find from believing in a powerful, helpful God or Gods, and in a continuation of their lives in some meaningful way beyond their personal deaths — whether by reincarnation or in a paradise. We need to convince them that their fears of abandonment, loneliness, and meaninglessness are unfounded.
At our best, we humans are capable of amazing creativity and generosity with one another. We don’t need to believe that unseen parent figures are necessary to provide peace, freedom, and happiness for us. We can do that ourselves, together, if we are willing to cooperate.
As for what happens after our individual deaths, we need to help other people understand that after we die we will be just as we were before we were born — completely unaware. There is nothing to fear. And, to the extent that we have been good and helpful to other people while we were alive, we will be remembered, thanked, and celebrated by those who remain alive after us.
Many people will still like to hear and tell stories about Gods as comforting and inspiring figures, just as we do with stories about good, kind, and heroic people. And that’s fine, as long as such people are motivated to be good, kind, and helpful to other people.