Your article makes a lot of interesting points. You are right that the US Government does not have a good track record of being honest with the public, especially where issues of National Security and the military are concerned.
We must also remember that the US Government itself is not a monolith. Parts of it are involved in secret projects that other parts know nothing about. That leaves us civilians not knowing what to believe.
Other people have commented on the poor quality of the videos of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. It's interesting and ironic that some of the same people who believe the pictures of the Moon landings were faked believe that the UAP pictures are real.
Finally, unwarranted inferences seem to be drawn from many of the images -- that they show physical craft that are capable of amazing accelerations -- when at least some of the images could just be optical phenomena -- reflections, projections, or shadows -- that only appear to be accelerating rapidly.